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Best Kindle Cover

Finding the very best way to protect your lovely new ebook reader takes a while. The reason? Well there are simply so many Kindle covers to choose from, and many are really not worth even considering!

Before you part with any money, it's really important to decide what style of case or cover is most likely to work for the way you use the device. Below we'll have a look at each type, and recommend one particularly good example that you might find suitable for your needs:

Best Jacket Style Kindle Cover 

Jacket style covers are the most traditional way to keep your ebook reader safe. Opening like a book they are great for those that want their new electronic device to feel a bit more like a "real" book.
The very best example of these jacket style covers is the Marware Eco-Vue.
It is made from high quality soft and supple Eco leather which means less harm to the environment and the workers, than traditional leather production. The cover folds completely back for reading with only one hand, and has a large strap which is great for holding onto your Kindle in busy places such as on the tube.
When choosing a jacket style cover it is important to think about the added weight and size, this model feels high quality but is relatively lightweight making reading easy.

Best Kindle Sleeve 

As the latest generation readers are so small and portable, some of the most popular Kindle 4 covers are simple sleeves that are completely removed when actually using the device.

These allow you to really appreciate how comfortable the new readers are to use and hold. You can chose models with secure fastenings but for ease of use, protection and funky design check out the Built range of neoprene sleeves.
They come in a variety of colours and patterns with soft brightly coloured fur linings.
The shape is a bit like an hourglass with extra curves at the corners which offers brilliant protection where it is most likely to be needed.

Best Kindle Case with Stand 

If you like to read "hands free" so to speak, a cover with built in stand is a good choice. For the older keyboard models Tuff Luv have some great sturdy covers with stands built in. But for the new smaller and lighter 4th generation reader we suggest the Duragadget range.

Even though they come with a flip stand they're surprisingly lightweight and don't add to much bulk at the edges of the Kindle itself. The range includes a variety of colours and are produced from reasonable quality leather which is a surprise since these are particularly cheap covers.

Best Lighted Kindle Cover

This has to be the lighted cover from Amazon themselves. On the outside it looks like a traditional book style jacket. But the Kindle is held in place by slotting into a form moulded back. This allows a connection to be made between the device and the cover, which provides power to a small LED reading light. When you don't need the light you won't know its there since it slots into the back cover. But when you do need some illumination, just slide the light up and it will switch itself on.
These are some of the priciest Kindle covers available in the UK, but if a light is something you will use frequently they are the best choice since you don't need to worry about batteries for the light itself.